Sunday, July 09, 2006

"Hi! I'm your friendly stalker..."

So anyway, I did my geography assignment today. I'm not exactly sure what PLC is trying to achieve but I think one of them is perhaps training us to become stalkers.

Wouldn't it be so damn weird if you saw someone walking up and down the street with ridiculously large steps? I mean, wouldn't it?! Oh yes, we must remember to add that this person also took regular notes of twenty houses. Wouldn't that seem pretty weird to you?!

There was a woman in her 70s who was in her garden. (I believe that house was a californian bungalow and was in good condition) She was watching me with mild interest as I strode past number 20 about five times. When I crossed the road to do the same to her house (ever so discreetly), she asked me whether I was alright. Perhaps it was because I had this ridiculous face on but I assured her that I was doing a geography assignment, not taking notes of houses because I was a stalker/thief. *cough cough*


P.C.'s* house was not forgotten! HAHAHA!!! I DID HIS HOUSE TOO!!! oh in any case, there were diplomatic service guys in the car who were staring at me. JUST HOW EMBARRASSING CAN YOU GET?! HAHAHA!!! P.C.'s* house is made of cement and is a geometric design or something like that!!! I AM A STALKER!!!

*cough cough* Why is Geography so stupid?!

I have discovered why my calves are so thick and unseemly. It is because I run on the balls of my feet. Therefore, the calves are used more and that is why they are so bulky! Ta Da!!!! The solution? I shall run with my whole heel!!! HA! Slim calves, here I come...

omg... how random can you get? This whole post was so random...

I know everything about your house.... I'm your friendly stalker...


Blogger FROGGY said...

LOL HAHAHA. funny post.

i did my geography assignment with the police staring at me and passing people wondering why i was suddenly running and then walking with large steps.

god, this old man was looking at me as if i was a pedophile in training. er yes. or a stalker.

i'm unhappy. some people in our group didn't invite me to the movies =_+'' .. hahahaha

8:31 PM  
Blogger poobah-kath said...

omg... I swear, PLC really does want us to become stalkers. Gahh....

noo... I feel worse now, I didn't even hear a mention of the movies... T_T argh...

8:58 PM  
Blogger poobah-kath said...

no no no... they will become better than they are now. Look at the long-distance runners' legs, are they as retarted as mine? (In retrospect, mine are probably so retarted that no one could get more retarted legs...) err... but anyway.


Why couldn't I have thick thighs or something?

12:40 PM  
Blogger Yi-Ling said...

generally people don't want fat thighs...then again you never wear short things so you wouldn't care. i guess. actually. you do. huh. o_O

actually i really don't think you should run on your heels. it may be dangerous. and painful.

2:19 PM  
Blogger FROGGY said...

you're silly, katherine. who whould run on their heels. i can just imagine a cartoon version of you, trying to run away from something, but failing >_>

katherine you bum, look i commented 2 times already. WHERE'S MY COMMENT ??? haha.

btw. i am confused about outlook. who wants to explain stuff to me.

4:37 PM  
Blogger poobah-kath said...

um um... outlook is that gay thing that joanne and co. are trying to work out. We're doing something really weird.


no no... what I meant by running on the heels was that the first part of my foot that would land on the ground would be my heel... I am seriously not going to be running around only on my heels, wth...

i shall to your blog now....

6:37 AM  

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