Sunday, July 23, 2006

Blab and more blab

I have updated. Ha! I am into pointing out the most obvious things, such as this.

Wilson Weng is a crap ass and using that title doesn't even start to describe how much of an arse he is. Gosh, I just really want to rub it in that he really doesn't look good with a mullet. Eww... It's just.. yuck. Disgusting. Yuck. Disgusting... (you get the point)

This is the time, I think, to devulge in the more embarrassing moments of the Lee family. Ready? Good.

My mother and I went shopping at Box Hill at one of the Korean stores to get kimchi (Yes, we did run out and yes, that is why we went to get more. Hello... I did actually say that I have a thing of pointing out obvious matters... duh...). Anyway. So, we walk into the shop. It is at this moment that my cheeks start to burn. My mother stands surprised for a few moments.

Mother: Hmm... the place changed again.

Me: Uh huh... that would be why they keep the kimchi at the front not at the back.

Mother: Well anyway, which kimchi do you want?

Me: Er... the normal kind?

Mother: Katherine, you can have the (insert korean word which is actually paldo) kimchi or you can have the other ones...

Me: Then I'll have to recognise it by how it looks, not what the bag says. <--- that comment didn't even fit in with the trend of the conversation but anyway...

Mother: Well... still... what kimchi do you want?

Me: Oh, that one. (points at desired kimchi)

Mother: Oh right, looks good. (picks up bag and reads korean, something that I still have to learn... )

Me: Hey mom! It's made in Canterbury! (notices big english letters saying Canterbury Road, Canterbury)

Mom: ...

Me: No? It's says it's from Canterbury...

Mom: That's in Sydney...

Me: It is?

Mom: Yes... note the postcode... (it starts with 2 and has weird digits)

Me: Oh right...

Mom: Do you want anything else? Seaweed?

Me: Ooh... yummy (catches the sight of seaweed. you know, the seaweed salad)

It is at this point a random Korean guy comes over. Okay... maybe not random since he obviously runs the shop.

Man: Like the seaweed? It's Japanese. Very yummy. (says all of that in accented english. My god, jeebus... it's a sort of I-call-television-terebision accent. Damn weird.)

Mom: ...

Me: ...

Man: ...

Mom: I know. (She said that in korean)

Man: ==" Right... I hadn't realised you were korean because you spoke english... (says in korean)

Mom: ...

Anyway... I'm bored. This was stupid and I don't really care. Goodbye...

Sunday, July 09, 2006

"Hi! I'm your friendly stalker..."

So anyway, I did my geography assignment today. I'm not exactly sure what PLC is trying to achieve but I think one of them is perhaps training us to become stalkers.

Wouldn't it be so damn weird if you saw someone walking up and down the street with ridiculously large steps? I mean, wouldn't it?! Oh yes, we must remember to add that this person also took regular notes of twenty houses. Wouldn't that seem pretty weird to you?!

There was a woman in her 70s who was in her garden. (I believe that house was a californian bungalow and was in good condition) She was watching me with mild interest as I strode past number 20 about five times. When I crossed the road to do the same to her house (ever so discreetly), she asked me whether I was alright. Perhaps it was because I had this ridiculous face on but I assured her that I was doing a geography assignment, not taking notes of houses because I was a stalker/thief. *cough cough*


P.C.'s* house was not forgotten! HAHAHA!!! I DID HIS HOUSE TOO!!! oh in any case, there were diplomatic service guys in the car who were staring at me. JUST HOW EMBARRASSING CAN YOU GET?! HAHAHA!!! P.C.'s* house is made of cement and is a geometric design or something like that!!! I AM A STALKER!!!

*cough cough* Why is Geography so stupid?!

I have discovered why my calves are so thick and unseemly. It is because I run on the balls of my feet. Therefore, the calves are used more and that is why they are so bulky! Ta Da!!!! The solution? I shall run with my whole heel!!! HA! Slim calves, here I come...

omg... how random can you get? This whole post was so random...

I know everything about your house.... I'm your friendly stalker...