Tuesday, February 06, 2007

My Second English Lesson In Year 10

As preparation for the upcoming assignment, "My First...", I thought I would write something similar.

Room M, which is usually stifling due to being a third floor room, is nice and airy. The noise level is moderate and would probably deemed to be an "acceptable noise level" by most teachers.

Yi-Ling is currently pointing at something random and now she is proceeding to cut out something from a magazine ever so carefully. Fiona is smiling and just said (wait, I can't hear) oh wait, she said, "something spotty". Yi-ling had said before, "we both have muffins".

Jadey Huray ( Hip hip huray) is being her usual self and commented, "oh my god. Are you really going to write that?" Yes, Jadey, I am really going to write that.

Vivian, if she hadn't noticed, is cutting out something with a nice looking cake on the back of it. Vivian has her sleeves pulled up and is looking very excited by the current task on hand (it reminds you of a little like those preps who have been given the task to cut out little dogs on paper, doesn't it?).

Wensi has gotten up because of Gwen's call. She is smiling amiably and is making her way to.. no wait, she stopped to talk to Vivian. There, she is now talking to Fiona and Yi-ling. She has now sat down... wait, no she hasn't, Yi-ling just said something. What is up with this Wensi? Doesn't she know that ladies of PLC work sitting down?! Of course not... just joking..

Clare, who is taking the advantage of having laptops, is on youtube. Should she be on there? Should I even be on here? The answer would be no but the simple thing is: we are doing nothing useful but cutting up stupid pictures and searching for tragic love poems (in the case of Helene).

Who should we turn to next? Oh wait no, Mrs Ross has announced that we should pack up like little preps. Okay, so we are really preps in the bodies of year 10s but hell, who cares?

Until next time, which I would say if I had my timetable but my dad is photocopying it... but yes.