Friday, September 29, 2006

The Adventure Of I Can Smell Your Brain and The Curse

The following should disturb you:

I Can Smell Your Brain.

If written on a back of a t-shirt in red letters with blood dripping ever so slowly from them nice embellishments, would you not be disturbed?!

Does it look like I want you to smell my brain? (I heard brains smell like a weird version of blue cheese...)

Furthermore, why would you want to smell my brain?

The man who was wearing this t-shirt was of average height and build. He had sandy hair and had glasses. This man looked average. However! Don't serial murderers tend to look average?

Barnes and Nobles is an ever so interesting bookstore.

It seems that Generation X and Y seem to suffer from a terrible curse.

What is this curse?

This curse shall be dubbed as The All-I-Can-Think-About-At-A-Bookstore-Is-How-To-Improve-My-Performance-At-Something-That-Usually-Includes-A-Bed (or whatever else you might prefer)-And-Another-Person-From-The-Opposite-Sex (then again, maybe not from the opposite sex. It's really okay if you don't want to have another person with different chromosomes than you) Curse.

How terrible this curse is!

Sufferers from this curse may find themselves having this wacky idea of marketing products that "enhance your performance to new levels" at bookstores.

Other sufferers may find themselves buying these products at bookstores.

These are just some of the sufferes of this curse.

If you find that you are a sufferer, fear not! Do not hesitate to contact your nearest voodoo witch and buy one of their amazing voodoo dolls (no charge on the needles provided in your very own voodoo doll if paid by cash!). In no time you will find that you will no longer be under this curse but be instead entranced by the fishy junk mail offers sent to you on behalf of the sponsors of Voodoo Witch Co. the wonder of voodoo witches.

On the other hand, if you are an innocent observer whose eyes happened to be attracted to particular words such as "performance" and "libido" like myself, please pat yourself on your back and bake some cookies. The world is in need of more observant people like ourselves.

As I said before, Barnes and Nobles is an ever interesting bookstore. Visit it sometime. Who knows what underhand business deals adventure you might stumble on?

Monday, September 25, 2006

One step for a grandma, one giant leap to technology

Is it just me or is Gwen becoming less and less... prissy? It must be the swearing...

Something very momentous occurred today. And I mean VERY momentous. In fact, this may be the first step for Asian grandmothers and grandfathers to embrace modern technology.

Wait for it.


My grandmother bought an iPod.

Um, well. I mean, it's really not that big but I still think that it's a big deal. Hell, I didn't even think my grandma knew what a mp3 player was. Obviously not, since she wanted to buy one here.


I now like Dr Pepper. So yummy.... yummy... yummy... Viv, if you read this before you leave toronto, BUY DR PEPPER IF YOU HAVEN'T ALREADY. ahh... I'm addicted to it.

Oh and another thing, they're obsessed with Ice Tea. They always seem to ask if one wants to drink ice tea whenever you go to an eatery.

Oh the quirky things of Texas. What is up with "y'all" thing anyway? I went to sleep at 3 am last night. Be proud! I stayed up late...

I am craving my iPod.


Sunday, September 24, 2006

The Urgency Of A Bumptuous Individual

It is currently 11:27 pm.

I wonder how I will be able to adjust to the Melbourne time once I arrive. I have a sneaky feeling that I will be suffering from severe jet lag once I get there.

Bah, I sound boring.

Texas, Waco to be exact, is not how I would have imagined. For one thing, it is very green. Yes, I was quite surprised. Call it being naive and not being very knowledgeable of some of USA's states but, it really did hit me that it was so green. I mean, sure, there is a whole lot of dried grass everywhere (Namely the lawn of our house. I swear, what happened to the bloody sprinkling system?) but I'm sure that is a given since it's incredibly hot here. One other thing I should mention: THEY'RE ALL BLOODY OBSESSED WITH THEIR BLOODY LAWN. Everyone (Except us. Again, I question what happened to the sprinkler system...). There aren't any water restrictions here so you see sprinklers turned on in the middle of the day. Weird.

Omg, I sound so boring, I swear.

I have once again realised that I am quite scared of toilets. I'm not really quite sure why. Let's see... I'm so damn scared of the plane toilets. What is up with flush?! It's so loud... I have gotten into the habit of opening the door of the toilet before I flush the toilet so that I can make a quick escape. ARGH. It's so bad... plus it's so embarrassing... argh..

And another thing. I hate the evil red eye. DIE EVIL RED EYE. DIE. Why did someone have to invent the automatic flush toilet? I mean why?! What is the point? jeebus... I'm always scared of those toilets... So anyway, I'm sure most of you know my usual toilet habits. Well.. maybe not. Katherine Bailey does. Err.. random. However. SPREADING TOILET TISSUE ON A BLOODY TOILET SEAT WHEN THE EVIL RED EYE WATCHING IS NOT COMFORTABLE. In fact, I find it quite disconcerting. I notice that all the american airports have automatics. How unfortunate.

Gah. I'm coming back on Monday! ^_^ Home sweet home. I get to see Titan! Squeeeee... I miss him so much.

Please note that this post is utterly boring. I think I should make another post tomorrow to compensate.

For now, I shall continue to listen to Dopo Il Sogno... la!