Saturday, December 31, 2005

Bunny and Angel

(- . -)
(*)_(*) Bunny is sleeping. Can you see? He ate too much.

(\ ___ /)
( \ | / )
( \(^ ^)/ )
\_ / \ _/
/ /___\ Angel is very cute!

The point of this post was to somehow achieve something. I am not sure what exactly... I shall post properly later!

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Then there were 6

This is the sixth post. Joy.

Christmas time has made its appearance again. How joyful. It would be okay if shops and supermarkets were not so crowded.

I have decided that I hate Christmas shopping.

The Visit to the Bakery

Mom: We need rolls!

Me: Really?

Mom: Yes!

Me: Okay...

(Mom walks over to bakery nearest to us)

Mom: Ahem, excuse me, can we get two of those rolls?

Shop Lady: Okay okay

(Shop Lady walks and takes two rolls from rack)

Shop Lady: Here

(Mom stuggles to find change. I am tapping my foot)

Mom: Oh here we are! Thankyou!

(Shop Lady hands over bag)

Shop: How many buns are there?

(Mom looks confused)

Mom: Huh?

Me: Two

Shop Lady: It's only forty cents, not sixty cents

Me: Oh boy....

Mom: Oh my! Right... hold on a moment then

(Mom rummages in purse for forty cents)

Mom:(muttering) There's forty cents in here somewhere....

(Mom finally hands over forty cents and in the process drops display bun)

Mom: Oh dear! Katherine go pick it up!

(I feel like a slave)

(Mom looks around at other buns)

Mom: *gasp* (muttering to me) These donuts are $1.50! At the other shop it was at least 80 cents. What are they trying to do, rip us off?!


It was a highlight of the day. How intersting it was.

I have found out something new. If I have a shower and then leave the window open, the result is a bird's nest. No wonder so many people were looking at me in Safeway. It wasn't until later when my mom said to me, "Katherine, young women should have an imacculate appearance. Your hair is disgraceful. Just because you have short hair doesn't mean you don't brush it." She said this quite loudly too.

*sigh* Oh how interesting Christmas is. I will be going to the midnight mass yet again. We have never failed at not going. I shall be sleepy!

Merry Christmas to all of you and I hope your Christmas Eve was as eventful as mine! (How plasticy I must sound)

Saturday, December 03, 2005

numa numa iei

Blame this on Numa Numa Iei.

Don't want to take me...


I like Numa Numa.

I think I shouldn't waste time on stupid thoughts. Life is short! HA! Then again, it's the longest thing we'll know... HAHAHA... such a peverse humor. How morbid.

So, we have a week left until the end of school. Um, I mean school, school. Not including Speech Night. Joy... Christmas Holidays will be upon us soon. The usually flurry of christmas cards will come. Mom will want me to help her. I think she's going to write card this year. She missed out last year.

As I said, actually, maybe I didn't. I am obsessed with Numa Numa Iei.

Just as a random thing, I got really wet today. I forgot my umbrella. Um, stupid I am. Also, Back Row Co. caught the tram. They just had to catch the same tram... It was very awkward. ( ) was on it. I didn't know how to react.

I need to watch HP!!! Omg... seriously... nearly everyone has seen it or will see it by the end of the week. I am such a loner. *sigh* Perhaps I will go with someone random like... Vicky... lol, it will be interesting! heh...

Things go in pairs. The world was meant to go in pairs!!! Um, yes....

Dancing with you in the Summer Rain... hehehe... aww... I wouldn't want to be mean, so I will "shuttup now". Since someone may say, "Can you shuttup?!" lol... I shouldn't be mean... but truth is... I AM!!!

It's raining again.

I think my bed will be warm. ^ ^ yay...

I shall be happy! I am reminded by a locker decoration... "Be Happy"

Life is a mess sometimes, as messy as semi-wet hair. What a contrast...